Call Code | Description |
Code 1 | Non-Emergency |
Code 2 (Fire Department) | Urgent - No light or siren. |
Silent Approach (Fire Department) | Cut sirens before approaching call location |
Code 3 | Emergency - Use lights and siren |
Code 4 | No further assistance needed |
Code 33 | Emergency radio traffic only (Priority) |
Code 34 | Resume normal radio traffic (terminates code-33) |
980 | Hold dispatch traffic (not priority) - UCPD ONLY |
981 | Resume normal dispatch traffic (not priority) - UCPD ONLY |
10-4 | Acknowledge |
10-22 | Cancel/Discontinue |
10-10 | Off Duty |
10-21 | Contact (normally via phone) |
10-97 (1097) | On Scene |
11-99 | Officer Needs Assistance/Help (Priority) |
DBF | Dead Body Found |
UTL | Unable to Locate |
RP | Reporting Party |
GOA | Gone on Arrival |
10-1 | Poor Radio Reception |
10-2 | Good Radio Reception |
10-3 | Stop Transmission |
10-4 | Message Received |
10-5 | Relay Message |
10-6 | Change Radio Channel |
10-7 | Out of Service |
10-8 | In Service |
10-9 | Repeat Message |
10-15 | Have Prisoner in Custody |
10-16 | Pick Up |
10-17 | Getting Fuel |
10-19 | Return or Go to ___ |
10-20 | Location |
10-21 | Telephone |
10-22 | Cancel or Disregard |
10-23 | Stand By |
10-25 | Do You Have Contact With ___? |
10-26 | Clear of Warrants |
10-27 | Subject Wanted |
10-28 | Registration Check |
10-29 | Check for Warrants |
10-33 | Alarm is Sounding |
10-35 | Time Check |
10-36 | Correct Time |
10-37 | Please Identify Your Unit |
10-39 | Can ___ Come to Radio ? |
10-40 | Is ___ Available for Phone Call ? |
10-45 | Subject Condition: A to D |
10-49 | Proceeding to ___ |
10-50 | Drugged |
10-51 | Drunk |
10-52 | Ambulance Needed |
10-53 | Person Down |
10-54 | Possible Body |
10-55 | Coroner's Case |
10-56 | Suicide, (a) - Attempted |
10-59 | Security Check |
10-61 | Bike Theft (BPD) / Misc Public Assistance (UCPD) |
10-63 | Prepare to Copy |
10-66 | Suspicious Person |
10-67 | Person Calling for Help |
10-70 | Prowler |
10-71 | Shots Fired |
10-73 | How Do You Copy ? |
10-80 | Explosion |
10-86 | Any Traffic for Me ? |
10-91 | Hazard |
10-97 | Arrived at Scene |
10-98 | Completed Assignment |
Call Code | Description |
1033A | Audible Alarm |
1033G | GPS Bank Alarm |
1033S | Silent Alarm |
1033T | ETS (Bank) |
1042 | Welfare Check |
1053 | Person Down |
1056 | Suicide |
1057 | Missing Person |
1057AR | Missing At Risk |
1057J | Missing Juvenile |
1062B | Civil Standby |
1067 | Call for Help |
1070 | Prowler |
1071 | Shooting |
1079 | Bomb Threat |
1080 | Explosion |
10851 | Stolen Vehicle |
10852 | Vehicle Damage |
10855 | Embezzled Vehicle |
1091B | Barking Dog |
1091E | Dog Bite |
1091V | Vicious Animal |
1124 | Abandoned Vehicle |
1148 | Transportation |
1180 | Major Injuries |
1181 | Minor Injuries |
1182 | Non Injury |
1183 | Unknown Injuries |
1194 | Pedestrian Stop |
1194B | Bike Stop |
1196 | Suspicious Vehicle |
1198 | Code 1 Assist |
1199 | Officer Needs Help |
148 | Resisting/Obstructing |
20001 | Hit & Run Injuries |
20002 | Hit & Run Prop. |
207 | Kidnapping |
211 | Robbery |
212 5 | Res. Robbery |
215 | Carjacking |
220 | Sexual Assault |
23103 | Reckless Vehicle |
23109 | Exhibition of Speed |
23110 | Throw at Vehicle |
23152 | DUI |
242 | Battery |
243 | Serious Battery |
2.43E+03 | Domestic Violence |
244 | Caustic Chemicals |
245 | Assault w/Deadly Weapon |
246 | Shots at Dwelling |
261 | Rape |
273 5 | Domestic Violence |
273A | Child Abuse |
288 | Sexual Molest |
288A | Child Molest |
290 | Sex Registrant |
300WI | Child Neglect |
314 | Indecent Exposure |
330 | Gambling |
415 | Disturbance |
415E | Noise Disturbance |
415F | Family Disturbance |
417 | Brandishing Weapon |
4390 | Prescription Fraud |
451 | Arson |
459 | Burglary |
459A | Auto Burglary |
470 | Forgery |
484 | Theft |
484C | Theft In-Custody |
487 | Grand Theft |
496 | Poss. Stolen Prop. |
5150 | Mentally Ill |
530 5 | Identity Theft |
537 | Defrauding Innkeeper |
594 | Vandalism |
597 | Cruelty to Animals |
601 | Runaway |
601I | Incorrigible |
602L | Trespassing |
647AB | Prostitution |
647F | Intoxicated in Public |
647J | Lodging in Public |
653M | Harassing Phone Calls |
Phrase | Description |
A911 | Ascertain 911 |
ADVICE | Advice |
AID | Aid to Citizen |
AIRCRASH | Air Crash |
ANIMAL | Animal Matter |
BART | Bart Tunnel Incident |
BMCVIO | BMC Violation |
BOAT-FR | Boat Fire |
BOMB | Bomb Tech Incident |
BOTH | Police & Fire |
BPVIO | BP Code Violation |
CM | City Manager Report |
CRTRPT | Court Order Violation |
CRTVIO | Court Order Violation |
DAMAGE | Property Damage |
DBF | Dead Body |
DEBFIRE | Debris Fire |
DEMO | Demonstration |
DRUGS | Drugs Inv. |
EPO | Issue EPO |
FA-CO | Carbon Monoxide Detector |
FA-COM | Commercial Fire Alarm |
FA-RES | Residential Fire Alarm |
FA-RST | Fire Alarm Reset |
FADEST | Firearm Destruction |
FALL | Fall on City Prop. |
FIRE | Structure Fire |
FLAG | Flag Down |
FNDJUV | Found Juvenile |
FNDPER | Found Person |
FOOT | Foot Chase |
FOUND | Found Property |
GASLEAK | Gas Leak |
GUN | Person with Gun |
HATE | Hate Crime |
HAZMAT | Hazmat Incident |
HC | Hazardous Condition |
HOT | Vehicle Pursuit |
ILLDMP | Illegal Dumping |
INFO | Information |
INV-E | Electrical Investigation |
INV-F | Fire Investigation |
INV-O | Odor Investigation |
INV-S | Smoke Investigation |
KNOCK | Knock & Talk |
LDRPT | Loud Report |
LJ | LoJack Incident |
LOST | Lost Property |
MED2 | Code 2 5150 |
MEDICAL | Medical Aid |
MRA | Mutual Response Area |
MUTAID | Mutual Aid Request |
MUTMED | Medical Mutual Aid Request |
OUTAID | Outside Assist |
PCVIO | PC Violation |
PRKVIO | Parking Violation |
RECOVR | Recovered Stolen |
REG | Registrant |
REPO | Repossession |
RES-ELEV | Elevator Rescue |
RES-WR | Water Rescue |
RESCUE | Rescue |
RIOT | Riot |
SEARCH | Search Warrant |
SEC | Security Check |
SER-AA | Agency Assist |
SER-PA | Public Assist |
SER-SB | Service Stand By |
SUBP | Subpoena |
SURVE | Surveillance |
SUSCIR | Susp. Circ. |
SUSPER | Susp. Person |
SUSVEH | Susp. Vehicle |
T | Traffic Stop |
TRFHAZ | Traffic Hazard |
TRKFIRE | Large Truck Fire |
TROL | TRO Log |
TROV | Rest. Order Vio |
UNK | Unknown Problem |
VCVIO | Vehicle Violation |
VEHACC | Vehicle Accident |
VEHACC-EX | Extrication Assignment |
VEHFIRE | Vehicle Fire |
VREL | Vehicle Release |
VVER | VIN Verification |
W911 | Wireless 911 |
WARARR | Warrant Arrest |
Letter | Phonetic | Letter | Phonetic |
A | Adam | N | Nora |
B | Boy | O | Ocean |
C | Charles | P | Paul |
D | David | Q | Queen |
E | Edward | R | Robert |
F | Frank | S | Sam |
G | George | T | Tom |
H | Henry | U | Union |
I | Ida | V | Victor |
J | John | W | William |
K | King | X | X-ray |
L | Lincoln | Y | Yellow |
M | Mary | Z | Zebra |